Politique de confidentialité

KAIROS / BAM Privacy Statement

  1. Introduction

This is the privacy Statement of Koninklijke BAM Groep Nv and its Operating Companies (hereinafter:
Bam Or We). In this statement we describe how BAM deals with the personal data of our customers,
subcontractors, suppliers and partners. This privacy statement may be changed from time to time. The
latest version is published on our website.

  1. Contact details

Koninklijke BAM Groep nv
Runnenburg 9
3981 AZ Bunnik
030 659 8988
For questions concerning privacy, you can also contact the e-mail address privacy@bambelgium.be.

  1. Personal Data we process

Personal data is all data that can provide information about an identifiable natural person. BAM will
process your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide it to us.
Below you will find an overview of the personal data we may Process:
-Name and surname
-Address information
-Phone number
-Email Address
-Bank Account number
-Other personal data that you actively provide, in correspondence and by telephone
-IP address
-Location data
-Information about your activities on our website
-Internet browser and device type

For certain transactions we have the creditworthiness of our ustomers, subcontractors, suppliers or
partners tested. We do this by providing the necessary personal data (including address information) to
a creditworthiness evaluator, who can only use this information for this purpose.

  1. Goals and Foundations

BAM processes your personal data for the following purposes:
– Sending out our newsletter and other publications.
-To be able to call or email you if necessary to deliver our services.
-Concluding and executing agreements.
-Development and improvement of our services.
-To promote safety, security, health and integrity.
-BAM analyzes your behaviour on the website to improve the website and tailor the range of products
and services to your preferences.
The foundations for the processing of your personal data is, depending on the case, the necessity of
that processing for concluding and executing our agreement with you, for complying with a legal
obligation, to the vital interests of you or any other natural person or to defend the legitimate interests
of BAM or our partners, unless your interests, fundamental rights or fundamental freedoms outweigh

  1. Storage periods

BAM saves your personal data only for as long as necessary to achieve the goals for which your data
is collected, to represent the legitimate interests of BAM, and as long as we are legally obliged to do so.

  1. Sharing of personal data with third parties

Bam can share your personal data with different third parties, if this is necessary for the execution of an
agreement and to comply with any legal obligation. These can be banks, insurers, ICT service providers,
accountants, consultants and subcontractors. With these companies processing your data on our behalf,
we conclude a data processing agreement to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of
your data. BAM remains responsible for the processing. In addition BAM can share your personal data
to other third parties. We do this only with your express consent.

  1. Cookies and similar techniques

BAM uses functional, analytical and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the
browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone on the first visit to this website. BAM uses cookies with
a purely technical functionality. These ensure that the website works properly and that, for example,
your preferences are remembered. These cookies are also used to make the website work properly and
to be able to optimize it.
On your first visit to our website we have already informed you about these cookies and asked for
permission to place them.
You can opt out of cookies by setting your Internet browser to not store cookies. In addition, you can
also delete any information previously saved through your browser’s settings.
For more information, please refer to our cookie policy, click here.

  1. View, modify, or delete data

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to revoke
your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by BAM and
you have the right to transferability of your data. This means that you can submit a request to us to send
the personal data we have in a computer file to you, or to a company you designated.
You can request for perusal, correction, deletion or transfer of your personal information or send us a
request for withdrawal of your consent, or objection to the processing of your personal data to

To ensure that the request has been made by you, we can ask you for an identity proof. We respond as
soon as possible to your request, in each case within four weeks.
Removal of your personal data is only possible if that data is no longer relevant.

  1. Complaint procedures

If you have a complaint about compliance with this privacy statement or a violation of your rights under
the law, you can report this to the address privacy@bambelgium.be.
In addition, you the possibility of submitting a complaint to the national supervisor, the Data Protection

  1. Security

BAM takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate technical, physical and
organisational measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unsolicited disclosure and
unauthorized alteration. This is done, amongst others, by means of the IT security policy, by training of
our employees and by using secure storage and connections.
If you have the impression that your data is not securely protected or if you have indications of abuse,
please contact us through privacy@bambelgium.be.